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Gilded Tarot


A blond woman and a brunette man join under the shadowy light of the moon. Their union creates a unique energy that is mystical and beautiful. Just as the High Priestess, Major Arcana II, joins the poetic music of the heavenly bodies with the scientific charting of astronomy, the blond female and the brunette male unify opposing qualities. The result is as magical and intriguing as the High Priestess.
You are faced with the opportunity to partner with someone, whether it is a romantic union or a business venture. Whichever it is, the potential for creating something very special is there. Honor the gift of the moment and enjoy it.
Be aware of unrealized potential. If all the elements of a strong partnership are in place but no forward movement is made, the moment may be lost. Enjoy the magic of the moment but do not let it enslave you.